“On My Grind For True Servant Hood”

What does it mean to be a true servant? So many questions come to my mind when I think about true servant hood . In any area of life we serve to accomplish a goal, be it in church, school, in the home or on the job. It is what we do whether we like it or not! But tell me what the true meaning of it is? Does anyone really know? We know that people care but is caring enough? I was once told by a leader that you shouldn’t say “I have to go serve…” but you should say “I get to serve…” Is this the correct way? It’s been said that there is a certain amount of gratitude attached to it. Hmmmm………


Here’s my thing, I’ve always felt that you should serve by example and from your heart. That is the only true way to define the word. Take a husband and wife for example they have an obligation to serve each other in their marriage, with love and care and kindness toward one another. On the job, as someone who is giving a service it is my duty to be sure my client or prospective clients are well taken care of. In school as a teacher I am there to serve the children in providing them with the best education and life goals I can give. But how do I do it the right way?


I believe that true servant hood in any situation is something that comes from the heart. If you feel good about what you’ve done then you are headed in the right direction. If the person you are giving the service to is happy and feels the genuine love that is given, you’ve done something right. If you have peace within yourself about the service you’ve given then you are just that a “true servant.”


God is so sovereign and He allows for us to be put into positions that we can learn from. Being a great and true servant comes from having been served by someone else who was true to servant hood as well….. God is pretty awesome like that. He is to me the perfect example of true servant hood. Anyone who is willing to lay down their life for me and have no guarantees is nothing short of an amazing servant!



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